Slash Burning

Field fire

Slash burning

Slash is forest debris or woody vegetation left after harvest on timberland. Slash burning (burning debris from logging) is limited to burning on forest lands for forest management and is usually managed by the Oregon Department of Forestry. It is not the clearing of forestland for any other purpose.  Per Oregon Department of Forestry, unless the forester waives the requirement, all prescribed burning on forestland within a protection district must be registered seven days prior to the ignition. When a forest landowner requests a burning permit, ODF meteorologists check the wind and weather forecast, review the number of burns already scheduled in the area, and consider the amount of slash and the acreage proposed to be burned. 

For permit and further information, contact the Oregon Department of Forestry 541-367-6108.


All slash burns within the boundaries of the Lebanon Fire District must have a permit prior to burning. To apply for a permit, Click Here.